Meet the wonderful admins and artists that are behind Printing Paws.

Check out my graphics on Photobucket.

Banners, manips
I'm a 20-something-year-old who loves the wolfpack too much -- especially Leah (seriously, I have an obsession with that woman!). I spend a lot of my free time, fooling around the fandom. Apart from creating banners, I pre-read/beta for some wolfpack writers, and from time to time I write my own stories. Senior multitasker (I can't help it, I think it's an illness). My new obsession (apart from the wolfpack) is Alexander Skarsgard. He's the only vamp that I love! ;)
Find me on:

Check out my graphics on Photobucket.

Banners, avatar/buttons
I am a giant Twilight fan! I am a Twi-fic writer, and while I am mostly Team Wolf, I'll definitely read anything that's well-written. My favorite pairing is definitely Jacob/Bella, though I've been gravitating to Paul/Bella more and more, including in my writing. I also beta in my spare time. I've met some of the most amazing women through the fandom and I feel blessed to be a part of it. I've been lucky enough to do some admin work on a few former Twi sites besides here at PP, including Phase Fics (Affiliates), Impassionate Magic (Graphics), and Jacob Black N Pack (Admin).
I'm a special needs preschool teacher, hold a bachelors and a masters degree in education. I love my job! I'm also a social media addict - Facebook? Tumblr? Twitter? Yup, I have that!

You can find my graphics on Photobucket.
I'm a 27 year old chick and I live near the second most visited city in the world... Paris!
People describe me like an energy ball (I'm a little hyperactive) and when I love something, I tend to show it more than I should.
I'm a sucker for Blackwater, but I don't mind reading other fics, if it include Leah or Jacob. I'd love to be with someone like Seth. Or Leah (if I were a boy).
I write in French and I just started to write English fictions, but I'd gladly push that aside to make manips.
I LOVE making manips! I would do this all the time if I didn't work! (see what I was saying about showing way to much my love for something...)
Printing Paws owes a lot to a few special people:

LaPush Starlight was one of Printing Paws founders and part of the original admin/artist team. She was an integral part of the site's creation, assisting with communications, art, and feature development. Not only is she creative, but she has been a great friend to the site!

Ysar is a very talented artist, and has assisted Printing Paws with site layout, technical support, and design. She has participated in many Printing Paws art contests, and helped create many of the site icons and buttons still used today.
Image TBA
Image TBA
MyNoAngel, also known as PMU or PaintMeUnfinished during Printing Paws days, was one of our first staff artists and admins, along with Don'tcallmeLeeLee, goldengirl2707, and LaPush Starlight. She has assisted with multiple contests and challenges, as well as helping coordinate our Paws & Art events. She is very talented and we are grateful for everything she has done.
Printing Paws would also like to thank:
For their assistance as past site artists.
Social icons from Paw Print Twi Fandom Icon Pack created by ysar.